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A Mini-Essay on Results and Becoming a Better Man

Man in the Mirror

At this exact moment, your life is perfectly designed to get the results you’re getting.

That statement will make you want to…

…break the mirror you’re looking in…

…keep avoiding the mirror you haven’t been looking in…

…or stare straight into the mirror and accept ownership for what is.

In my early 20’s I wanted to avoid seeing the man in the mirror.

When I did catch a glimpse of the man, there were many times I wanted to break the mirror.

One day, I decided to question myself and ask why this was this case.

Here’s what came up for me:

  • I was living out of alignment with the man that G.O.D. was trying to guide me to be. Being out of alignment felt shameful and full of regret because I knew there was a greater version of myself. I was creating my own oppression.

    It hurt to see that man in the mirror.

  • I was playing by societies rules and standards. Since society’s rules are broken and the standards are very low, I continued to spiral out of control physically, mentally, and spiritually. I was denying the highest version of myself.

    It hurt to see that man in the mirror.

  • My identity didn’t match who I was called to be. Because I was out of alignment and living by society’s dangerous standards, I couldn’t live fully and authentically. I was playing a losing game designed for the masses.

    It hurt to see that man in the mirror.

If I had to break it all down and say it simply:

I was a man who knew I had more to give in my life.

When I began thinking about my life as a big system, influenced by many other systems, I was finally able to break down what was most important to my most authentic self…

…and then choose to create my own lifestyle operating system that builds my personal power, every day.

What about you?

Have you been distracted away from your personal power?

Are you living fully?

I invite you to consider the systems you’re running in your life (habits, routines, behaviors, actions, reactions, addictions, thought processes, etc.)

The truth is, those systems are perfect for getting the exact results you have right now.

Here’s the beauty:

Don’t like the results? Change the inputs to YOUR system.

Different inputs = different outputs (ie. results).

I’m no fool, it sounds simple when talking about it.

The real challenge begins when your committed decision collides with reality and your own human dysfunction.

This is called The Resistance.

When the resistance hits, I encourage you to go to W.A.R.

W.A.R., in The Committed Man’s world means: Win Against Resistance.

The resistance is necessary. Mandatory.

It’s G.O.D.’s way of seeing if you have what it takes to EARN THE RIGHT to show up as the man you desire to be.

My man, Win Against Resistance.

We are: The Committed!

Peace, truth, and love.

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